VS Code Setup: An Update


A few people on micro.blog (opens in a new tab) inquired about my VS Code extensions after I posted a screenshot of my editor.

VSCode: Themes

I was using SynthWave '84 (opens in a new tab) with custom CSS for the glow, but unfortunately it breaks markdown highlighting and I write all my articles for all my blogs in VS Code.

I am currently using Material Theme, Palenight (opens in a new tab).

I also have the standard Monokai, Cobalt2 (opens in a new tab), nightowl (opens in a new tab), and Synthwave '84 which is my favorite.


I have a lot of extensions. 177 is the count now1.

Some of my favorite extensions:

Random Extensions






Final Thoughts

Not much has changed since I first wrote about my setup last year (opens in a new tab). I am still an extension junkie2, and VS Code is still my favorite editor.


  1. Believe it or not VS Code is still pretty snappy on this 4 year old iMac, even with all those extensions.

  2. Though I could get rid of some of these extensions.

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